Welcome to the TESIG Website!


Despite significant efforts over the past several years by the various Boards of Directors and STC leadership, financial liabilities coupled with falling membership numbers have created a situation where we are not able to offer the education, resources, and outreach that this membership expects and deserves. Various cost-cutting measures and attempts to generate revenue have not been sufficient, and our debt and operational expenses now outweigh our ongoing revenue.

On 29 January 2025, the Society for Technical Communication (STC) decided to dissolve the organization. The Board approved a motion to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and secured a bankruptcy attorney to draft the required paperwork and submit it to the court on STC’s behalf.

Effective immediately, STC will permanently close its doors and cease all activities. This includes, but is not limited to, membership renewals and new member applications, elections, education programs (including conferences), certification courses and exams, committee and subcommittee activities, recognitions, awards, competitions, publications, and financial activities. This also applies to all Chapter, Special Interest Group (SIG) and Community of Interest (COI) activities including, but not limited to, events (virtual and in-person), activities, elections, council meetings, and all financial transactions.

Questions will be collected at info@stc.org and shared with the trustee.

Shuttering an organization as old as ours is painful. So many of us are deeply invested in STC. Thank you for advancing the profession with us.

With sincere appreciation,

STC Board of Directors

STC Executive Director Tim Shaw

Technical editing, regardless of how the discipline is defined, is first and foremost reader advocacy—be it for documentation clarity, accuracy, relevance, or accessibility.

The goal of the STC Technical Editing SIG (TESIG) is to provide its members with high-quality information about editing processes and best practices, as well as resources that demonstrate the value of editing and editors in an organization.

If you’re not an STC member yet, please consider joining: https://www.stc.org/membership/.

If you are an STC member, but not a TESIG member yet, contact the STC office to update your membership.
You can add the TESIG to your STC membership at any time during the year. You do not need to wait for the renewal period.

If you are a TESIG member, please consider volunteering some of your time and expertise – send an email to stc.techedit.sig@gmail.com.